WHD helps older persons during a lockdown/ 23 марта 2020
What a challenging time we live in!

During this lean
springtime WHD volunteers are to deliver a humanitarian help to lonely older
persons living mostly in rural conditions who found themselves in a lockdown
due to quarantine restrictions.
Working with a daily motto
“be with the UN, be safe” WHD also issued a special inspiring mask design featuring
a logo and a first line of the UN Charter. This mask is to be used by all WHD friend and volunteers.

WHD team is thrilled to announce an upcoming Zoom workshop on the United Nations Volunteering program.
A part of our donation program “An
international action to help disabled and senior citizens during COVID-19” this
workshop is aimed to help a number of disabled and seniors in rural
regions during these lean days.
Be kindly advised that a zoom link and an Outlook invitation are to be forwarded to our regular mailing list.

NB: вчера, сегодня, завтра
May, 2021: "1 June 2021 is the deadline to apply for consultative status with the UN".
March, 2020: "Calling for immediate global ceasefire. UN chief on COVID-19".
April 12, 2019: "Первое заседание Российского общественного комитета по празднованию 75-летия ООН"
April-May, 2019: "International Music Contest in Sanremo"
December 17-25, 2018: "Kofi Annan: Unclassified. Exhibition"
November 29, 2018: "WHD holds an interactive round table on Arab-Israeli conflict"
October 24, 2018: "UN Day Concert"
April, 2018: "WHD delegates at the 3rd Committee meeting"
March, 2018: "WHD Conference on gender issues"
November 15-16, 2017: "WHD and Humanitarian Assistance to the developing world: WHD participation in Aid Expo in Brussels"
October 24, 2017: "Milestones in the UN history in mass information media and memoirs" – current WHD project
May 16, 2017: Outcome of the project "Moscow for disabled"
December 10, 2016: A seminar on the new UN Secretary-General and new challenges to the UN
December 3, 2016: "Moscow for disabled" - a project by WHD
November 23, 2016: From the League of Nations to the UN at 70. Annual quiz
November 26, 2015: MDG Environmental sustainability. WHD on awareness against Climat Change
July-September, 2014: Educational trips
April 22-24, 2014: PINK CLOUD in Rome
Гендерные проблемы в ООН: Комиссия по положению женщин в обществе'2012